Courses (Spring 2022)

Who is Professor Rushan Ziatdinov?

Rushan Ziatdinov is a Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering at Keimyung University, Daegu, South Korea. He obtained his MS degree in the area of Mathematical Methods in Economics and Control (Management) in Mechanical Engineering Enterprises from Kama State Polytechnic Institute (now a part of Kazan Federal University, a top-ranked and prestigious university in Russia) and has a PhD degree in Mathematical Modelling, Numeric Methods, Program Software from Ulyanovsk State University (formerly known as Lomonosov Moscow State University in Ulyanovsk) in Russia. At the beginning of his academic career, he held the positions of Assistant Professor in the Department of Geometry and Mathematical Modelling at Tatar State University of Humanities and Education and the Department of Special Mathematics at Tupolev Kazan National Research Technical University (Kazan University of Aviation), Kazan, Russia. He then moved to Seoul National University, South Korea, where he was a postdoc in the Computer-Aided Design and Information Technology Lab (CADIT Lab) at the Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering. From 2011-2015 he was a faculty member in Istanbul, Turkey. In July 2013, he was selected by SAMSUNG SDI and was invited to work in South Korea, but Prof. Ziatdinov decided to continue his job as a professor. He was a Visiting Professor at Seoul National University (2012, 2014, 2016) and Shizuoka University (2013, 2014, 2020), one of the leading national universities in Japan.

His research interests include computer-aided geometric design, CAD/CAM, visualization, computer models in science and engineering, instructional technologies, and computer and realistic modelling. Professor Ziatdinov is an editor for several engineering and educational journals, and the author of a number of peer-reviewed publications published in top journals.

Professor Ziatdinov enjoys composing and reading poems, quotes, and sayings, as well as photography and video production. In the past, he enjoyed playing chess and proposed one of the chess variants.

Welcome to the class!




What are the Advantages of Enrolling in English Classes?

1. 포브스는 "영어를 유창하게 구사하는 근로자는 시간당 임금이 평균 34% 더 높고, 영어를 조금 하는 근로자는 영어를 전혀 하지 않는 근로자에 비해 13% 더 높다." 고 보도했습니다.

2. There are many free open access materials (books, useful websites, YouTube videos, free legal software etc.) available in English language.

★★★ 14726 SIMULATION (시뮬레이션) ★★★

시뮬레이션 모델의 형성, 실험 방법, 결과의 통계분석 방법에 대해 다룸. 시뮬레이션 전용 언어(Simio)를 활용하여 시스템의 설계, 운영, 성능 평가들과 관련된 의사결정문제를 해결하는 방법을 다룸.

This course introduces students to the process of developing a computer simulation model of a complex system in the real world and conducting experiments with it in order to better understand its behavior and/or assess various operational strategies. Simio is a special purpose simulation software that is used to solve the choice problem in system design, system operation, and performance measure evaluation.

Simio LLC (USA) has awarded our department with 50 copies of its software, worth $120000 to support teaching and research in simulation. The software will be installed in Lab. 4418.

Practical skills:

* Simio software (Activation type: Simio® Academic Design Edition: Node-Locked; Number of seats: 50; Renewal date: 12/28/2024)
* Other free legal software

  • 시스템 시뮬레이션은 주유소의 일상적인 운영, 공장의 조립 라인 운영, 공항 또는 보안 회사의 직원 배치 등과 같은 실제 시스템의 운영을 컴퓨터를 이용하여 모방한 작업입니다.

  • 전문가들에 의한 광범위한 수학적 모델을 만드는 대신에, 쉽게 이용할 수 있는 시뮬레이션 소프트웨어는 프로그래머가 아닌 비전문가들에 의해 실제 시스템의 작동을 모델링하고 분석합니다.

  • 시뮬레이션 기술은 모든 애플리케이션 영역의 엔지니어 도구 세트에 속하며 엔지니어링 관리 지식에 포함되어 있습니다.

  • 모델링 및 시뮬레이션은 비용을 절감하고 제품 및 시스템의 품질을 향상시키는데 도움이 됩니다.

Simio in manufacturing.

Airport simulation.

★★★ 34826 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (인적자원관리) ★★★

이 과정은 학생들에게. 인적자원관리자, 라인관리자의 역할들의 이해를 포함하여 조직의 기능을 학생들에게 설계하도록 제 공 되었습니다. 추가적으로 학생들은 파렴치한 고용주들로 부터 발생되는 인권침해에 대하여 어떻게 방어하는지에 대해서 배울 것입니다.

Human resource management is a strategic approach to managing people in a company or organization in such a way that they assist the company acquire a competitive advantadge. The course's general goal is to educate students the fundamentals of human resource management, as well as the skills necessary for effective management and development of individuals, groups, and organizations in today's business world. This goal will be met through exposing students to a variety of educational theories and practices, as well as human resource management, that can contribute to the development of organizations, as well as the improvement of organizational performance.

Practical skills:

  • CV

  • Video CV (very useful for getting a job)

  • Various tests

  • Some useful freeware software

  • Developing LinkedIn and ResearchGate profile.

★★★ 25148-07 and 25148-12 PRACTICAL COMPUTING (실용전산) [2 sections will be opened] ★★★

이 과정은 다양한 기능을 사용하여 소프트웨어 MS Excel 에서 차트를 묘사 할 뿐만 아니라 데이터를 만드는데 중점을 두고 공학/기술 문제를 해결하고 실제적인 컴퓨터프로그램 기술을 개발하는 것을 목표로 하고 있다.

Every branch of engineering relies heavily on computing. Furthermore, computing abilities are seen as future skills. With the importance of computing in mind, the course focuses on enhancing students' practical computing skills in MS Excel for handling engineering and technical problems, with an emphasis on applying various functions, creating charts, and data visualization. Foreign students may be part in projects such as developing software for electronic spreadsheets or conducting research.

Course objectives

  • Demonstrating how Excel may be used to solve a variety of problems.

  • Researching various functions and their applications.

  • Designing and creating charts.

  • Data visualization.

  • Learning how to develop user-defined functions in VBA.

  • Study the modeling process.

Practical skills

  • Excel functions.

  • Data visualization.

  • Various charts.

  • Trend lines (regression models).

  • Color wheel for creating charts.

  • Some useful freeware software.

Textbooks and Related Materials

  • Parker, S. P. (1984). McGraw-Hill dictionary of engineering. McGraw-Hill.

  • Maggio, R. (2009). How to say it: choice words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs for every situation. Penguin.

  • Other materials (articles, videos or other relevant worksheets).

YouTube Intro

What is LibreOffice Calc?

For a complete list of my publications, please see my ResearchGate or Google Scholar profiles. Please email me at or if you are interested in some of my works.