Research Assistants
Former Research Assistants
Mr. Anseok Lee, South Korea (Spring 2019). Have successfully completed one research project.
Mr. Yunwoo Kim, South Korea (Fall 2018). Have successfully completed one research project. Have published one conference proceedings with Prof. Ziatdinov.
Mr. Sajid Musa, Turkey (2011-2014). Have successfully completed two research projects. Have written five manuscripts under the supervision of Prof. Ziatdinov.
Volunteer Research Assistants
Mr. Hack Sung Kim, South Korea (2015-2016). In collaboration with professor, managed to write a Scopus indexed publication.
Mr. Seung Hoon Lim, South Korea (2015-2016). In collaboration with professor, managed to write a Scopus indexed publication.
Mr. Soulaiman Tizniti, Turkey (2014-2015). In collaboration with professor, published one conference proceedings.