25148 – Practical Computing (실용전산)
Just a Warm and Friendly Welcome :)
Postal Address: Department of Industrial Engineering (Office 4308), College of Engineering, Building No. 4, Keimyung University, 1000 Shindang-dong, Dalseo-Gu, 704-701 Daegu, South Korea.
The campus map is available here.
Office hours: Anytime on Tuesday (by appointment via the EDWARD system)
Tel. (office): (+82)-053-580-5286
E-mail: ziatdinov@kmu.ac.kr
Who is Professor Rushan Ziatdinov?
Professor Ziatdinov is a professor who has experience working in five universities, including top universities in South Korea, Russia, and Turkey. He was a Visiting Professor at Seoul National University (2012, 2014, 2016) and Shizuoka University (2013, 2014, 2020), one of the leading national universities in Japan. Additionally, he was a three-time visitor to European Union universities in 2011-2015, supported by the ERASMUS project.
He enjoys connecting with intelligent researchers and professors from different countries. Please read his Curriculum Vitae and watch the YouTube video for more information. The list of his research publications is available here, here, and here.
Professor Ziatdinov enjoys composing and reading poems, quotes, and sayings, as well as photography and video production. In the past, he enjoyed playing chess and proposed one of the chess variants.
Prof. Rushan Ziatdinov has been a guest columnist at The Korea Times (a sister paper of 한국일보), South Korea's oldest English newspaper, since September 2021. His writings can be found on the Internet (here or here).
Course Emblem | 코스 엠블럼
Course Overview | 교과목개요
데이터를 추가하고 정렬하는 일이나 간단한 계산기와 같은 기본적인 작업에 전자 스프레드시트를 사용하는 것에 싫증이 나셨나요? 이 강력한 도구의 잠재력을 최대한 발휘하여 복잡한 문제를 해결하고, 데이터를 분석하고, 놀라운 차트와 그래프를 만드는 데 사용하고 싶으신가요? 그렇다면 이 과정은 여러분을 위한 것입니다.
이 과정에서는 엑셀, 구글 스프레드시트, 다양한 AI 챗봇 및 기타 프리웨어 소프트웨어(총 20여 개 도구)를 활용하여 다양한 문제를 해결하는 방법을 배웁니다. 고급 기능 및 공식 사용법, 통계 데이터 분석, 아름다운 차트 및 그래프 생성, VBA 프로그래밍 언어를 사용한 사용자 정의 기능 개발 방법을 배울 수 있습니다.
뿐만 아니라 수학적 모델링 과정도 공부하고 전자 스프레드시트에서 사용될 수 있는 다른 수학적 방법도 탐구할 기회가 주어집니다. 전자 스프레드시트 전문가가 되어 여러분의 기술을 한 단계 더 발전시킬 수 있는 이번 기회를 놓치지 마세요!
Tired of using electronic spreadsheets for basic tasks like adding and sorting data or a simple calculator? Do you want to unlock the full potential of these powerful tools and use them to solve complex problems, analyse data and create stunning charts and graphs? Then this course is for you!
In this course you will learn how to use Excel, Google Spreadsheets, various AI chatbots and other freeware software (around 20 tools in total) to their full potential and tackle a variety of problems. You'll learn how to use advanced functions and formulas, analyse statistical data, create beautiful charts and graphs, and develop your own custom functions using the VBA programming language.
But that's not all! You'll also have the chance to study the mathematical modelling process and explore other mathematical methods that can be used in electronic spreadsheets. So don't miss this opportunity to become an electronic spreadsheet expert and take your skills to the next level!
Learn how to use various AI chatbots (ChatGPT, Google Bard, etc.).
Transform spreadsheets from a simple data tool into a problem-solving powerhouse
Master advanced functions and formulas to solve complex problems
Use spreadsheets for sophisticated data analysis and visualisation
Create professional-quality charts and graphs to communicate your data clearly
Learn to develop custom functions using VBA, Excel's programming language
Explore the mathematical modelling process and other mathematical techniques that can be created in spreadsheets
Microsoft Excel Certificates | Microsoft Excel 인증
각 시험과 수료증에 관한 자세한 사항은 아래의 웹페이지에서 다운로드 가능합니다.
많은 시험이 한국어로도 가능하며 온라인에 저장됩니다. 이러한 정보가 기술적 컴퓨터 스킬을 개발하는데 도움이 되기를 바랍니다.
Class Rules | 수업진행
Be punctual: Being late to class disrupts the learning environment for yourself and your classmates. Please make an effort to arrive at class on time and be considerate of your fellow students.
Keep your phone on silent: Turn off the sound and vibration on your phone and put it away during class.
Get permission to leave class: If you need to leave class early or absent yourself, ask the professor first. This helps ensure you don't miss any important information or disrupt the class.
Stay awake and engaged: Do your best to stay awake and focused during class. If you find it difficult to stay awake, try sitting up front or finding ways to engage with the material.
Ask questions: If you have questions or need clarification on a topic, don't hesitate to ask. This is a great way to ensure that you understand the material and can actively participate in class discussions.
Be considerate of your classmates: Avoid distracting or annoying your classmates, such as talking during lectures or playing games on your phone. Be respectful of their right to learn and concentrate.
Seek help if you have problems with the attendance app: If you are having trouble with the attendance app or any other technical problems, don't hesitate to reach out to your department or college office for help.
Certificates of absence: To ensure that your certificate of absence is properly recorded and accounted for, please submit it only through the EDWARD system.
Homework submission: To ensure that your homework is properly submitted and graded, please use the CTL system.
Evaluation | 학습평가
Attendance: 10%
Assignments: 20%
Midterm exam: 30%
Final exam: 40%
Practical Uses of the Course | 교과목활용
Learned engineering terms (glossary) will be helpful for your future international cooperation. This might be very useful to you to become more successful in the future as languages play an essential role in the collaboration between countries and companies. As we all know, South Korea is an export-oriented country. Knowledge of English and other UN's official languages will strengthen you as a specialist.
It can be used to understand curve modeling better in a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) course.
Excel can be useful for managing and analyzing data in various fields, including business, finance, marketing, and science.
It can be used to create professional-looking charts, graphs, and tables to visualize and communicate data.
Students proficient in Excel may have an advantage in job searches, as it is a commonly used tool in many industries.
Excel can be used in statistical analysis and data visualization, which can be helpful for students pursuing careers in data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.
It can be helpful to project management, as it can be used to create Gantt charts and track project progress.
Excel can be a valuable tool for planning and budgeting, as it can create financial models and forecast future performance.
It will help you improve your IQ (future jobs will need two crucial qualities: intelligence and creativity).
Textbooks and Related Materials | 수업교재/관련자료
Leingme, B. (2019). A guide to Microsoft Excel 2016 for Scientists and Engineers. Elsevier (available at the Dongsan library).
https://library.kmu.ac.kr/search/detail/CATTOT000001537278 (older version)
https://library.kmu.ac.kr/search/detail/CATTOT000001815272 (newer version)
https://www.sciencedirect.com/book/9780128182499/liengmes-guide-to-excel-2016-for-scientists-and-engineers (Elsevier's website)
Weekly Study Plan | 강의계획
Introduction and orientation. Announcement of class rules. Vocabulary | 소개 및 오리엔테이션. 클래스 규칙에 대한 공지입니다. 어휘.
Microsoft Excel
Power Point presentations
Google sites, Google docs, Google Spreadsheets
Electronic spreadsheets | 전자 스프레드시트
Microsoft Excel
VisiCalc, Lotus 1-2-3, Google Spreadsheets
Basic operations in Excel | 기본 조작도구
Microsoft Excel
Using functions | 함수 사용
Microsoft Excel
Conditional functions | 조건부 서식
Microsoft Excel
Dall-E & Midjourney
Data science in Excel | Excel의 데이터 과학
Microsoft Excel
Benford’s law calculator
Charts | 차트
Microsoft Excel
Midterm exam | 중간고사
Scientific visualization | 과학적 가시화
Color wheel (Palleton, Adobe Color)
Regression analysis | 회귀분석
Microsoft Excel
VBA user-defined functions | VBA 사용자 정의 함수
Microsoft Excel
Mathematical modeling | 수학적 모델링
Microsoft Excel
Using Solver | 해 찾기 기능
Microsoft Excel
Numeric integration | 수치적분
Microsoft Excel
GeoGebra + Applets
Statistics for experiments | 실험을 통한 통계치
Microsoft Excel
Final exam | 기말고사
Freeware Software | 프리웨어 소프트웨어
Mathematics and Computing | 수학과 컴퓨터
Scilab | https://www.scilab.org/
OCTAVE | https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/
GeoGebra | https://www.geogebra.org/ | Online GeoGebra | GeoGebra 3D Calculator
Electronic Spreadsheets | 스프레드시트
스프레드시트 | https://www.google.com/sheets/about/
AirTable | https://airtable.com/
Zoho | https://www.zoho.com/sheet/
VisiCalc | Download
1-2-3 Lotus | Download
Excel Functions | 엑셀 함수
Complete list | https://support.office.com/en-us/article/excel-functions-by-category-5f91f4e9-7b42-46d2-9bd1-63f26a86c0eb
Excel functions (with live examples and videos) | https://trumpexcel.com/excel-functions/
YouTube Videos
(a) VisiCalc: The First Electronic Spreadsheet
(b) Meet the inventor of the electronic spreadsheet | Dan Bricklin
(c) Before Excel there was VisiCalc: An interview with its creators
(d) Apple Macintosh - Lotus 1-2-3