29770 – Calculus (미적분학)

Just a Warm and Kind Welcome :)

Postal Address: Department of Industrial Engineering (Office 4308), College of Engineering, Building No. 4, Keimyung University, 1000 Shindang-dong, Dalseo-Gu, 704-701 Daegu, South Korea.
The campus map is available
Office hours: Anytime on Monday (by appointment via the EDWARD system)

  • Tel. (office): (+82)-053-580-5286

  • E-mail: ziatdinov@kmu.ac.kr

Who is Professor Rushan Ziatdinov?

Professor Ziatdinov is a professor who has experience working in five universities, including top universities in South Korea, Russia, and Turkey. He was a Visiting Professor at Seoul National University (2012, 2014, 2016) and Shizuoka University (2013, 2014, 2020), one of the leading national universities in Japan. He enjoys connecting with intelligent researchers and professors from different countries. Please read his Curriculum Vitae and watch the YouTube video for more information. The list of his research publications is available here, here, and here.

Professor Ziatdinov enjoys composing and reading poems, quotes, and sayings, as well as photography and video production. In the past, he enjoyed playing chess and proposed one of the chess variants.

Prof. Rushan Ziatdinov has been a guest columnist at The Korea Times (a sister paper of 한국일보), South Korea's oldest English newspaper, since September 2021. His writings can be found on the Internet (here or here).

Course Emblem | 코스 엠블럼

Course Overview | 교과목개요

An applied calculus (미적분학) course covering limits, continuity, differentiation, and integration with an emphasis on economics and business applications. The course is designed to provide students with a sound, practical understanding of the basic concepts and applications of differential and integral calculus without sacrificing mathematical accuracy. Most concepts are approached from an applied viewpoint.

Our objectives are to

  1. Learn the general concept of a function and its applications to real-world situations.

  2. Learn to work with power, exponential, logarithmic, and other elementary functions and their applications in economics, business, and finance.

  3. Learn the concepts of the derivative and its underlying concepts, such as limits and continuity.

  4. Learn to calculate derivatives for various functions using definitions and rules.

  5. Apply the concept of a derivative to analyze the graph of a function.

  6. Learn about various applications of the derivative in applied problems.

  7. Learn to use the concept of integration to evaluate the geometric area and solve other applied problems.

  8. Learn how GeoGebra and Excel software can be used in calculus and visualization.

Student Support and Inclusiveness | 학생 지원 및 통합교육

  • Consultations on request on Monday (by appointment via the EDWARD system).

  • I'm happy to arrange times to meet individually in Zoom. Just let me know!

  • Q&A during classes.

  • Answering questions on Facebook (I am here).

  • Answering questions by e-mail.

Study Tips | 공부 요령

  • Memorize mathematical notations.

  • Study all presentations and problems discussed in class. Exam questions/problems will be similar to those theories and problems discussed only during our lessons. Homework assignments are separate and used to activate self-study.

  • Try to solve the same problems but using different functions. Practice as much as you can.

  • Learn how to plot graphs without GeoGebra (by using points as in high school).

  • If you do not understand, ask Google. You can find many useful pages and video tutorials. Example: "derivative of y=1/x". Additionally, I recommend reading the following tips to use Google more efficiently.

  • If you can't find the answer in Google, please do not be afraid and ask questions to your professor.

Practical Uses of This Course | 교과목활용

  • We can find the effects of changing conditions on a system with calculus. By studying these effects, you can learn how to control a complex system and make it do what you want it to. Because of the ability to model and control systems, calculus gives us extraordinary power over the material world.

  • Mathematics is the language of engineers, scientists, and economists. The work of these professionals has a significant impact on our daily lives—from microwaves, cell phones, TV, and cars to medicine, the economy, and national defense.

  • The learned vocabulary will be helpful for your future international cooperation. This might be very useful to you to become more successful in the future as languages play an essential role in the collaboration between countries and companies. As we all know, South Korea is an export-oriented country. Knowledge of English and other UN's official languages will strengthen you as a specialist.

Class Rules | 수업진행

  • Be punctual: Being late to class disrupts the learning environment for yourself and your classmates. Please make an effort to arrive at class on time and be considerate of your fellow students.

  • Keep your phone on silent: Turn off the sound and vibration on your phone and put it away during class.

  • Get permission to leave class: If you need to leave class early or absent yourself, ask the professor first. This helps ensure you don't miss any important information or disrupt the class.

  • Stay awake and engaged: Do your best to stay awake and focused during class. If you find it difficult to stay awake, try sitting up front or finding ways to engage with the material.

  • Ask questions: If you have questions or need clarification on a topic, don't hesitate to ask. This is a great way to ensure that you understand the material and can actively participate in class discussions.

  • Be considerate of your classmates: Avoid distracting or annoying your classmates, such as talking during lectures or playing games on your phone. Be respectful of their right to learn and concentrate.

  • Seek help if you have problems with the attendance app: If you are having trouble with the attendance app or any other technical problems, don't hesitate to reach out to your department or college office for help.

  • Certificates of absence: To ensure that your certificate of absence is properly recorded and accounted for, please submit it only through the EDWARD system.

  • Homework submission: To ensure that your homework is properly submitted and graded, please use the CTL system.

Evaluation | 학습평가

  • Attendance: 10%

  • Assignments: 20%

  • Midterm exam: 30%

  • Final exam: 40%

Textbooks and Related Materials | 수업교재/관련자료

  • Anthony, M., Biggs, N. L., & Biggs, N. (1996). Mathematics for economics and finance: methods and modelling. Cambridge University Press.
    Available at the Dongsan Library:

  • The frequency dictionary (빈도 사전) is available here.

  • The hyperlinks to YouTube lectures can be found in the CTL system.

Weekly Study Plan | 강의계획

  1. Introduction and orientation. Announcement of class rules. Studying vocabulary

  2. Mathematical terms and notations

  3. Sequences, recurrences, limits

  4. Introduction to calculus

  5. Elementary functions

  6. Introduction to optimization

  7. The derivative in economics (Part I)

  8. Midterm exam (the date will be decided by surveying students' preferences)

  9. The derivative in economics (Part II)

  10. Partial derivatives

  11. Applications of partial derivatives

  12. Optimization in two variables

  13. Matrix algebra (Part I)

  14. Matrix algebra (Part II)

  15. Areas and integrals

  16. Final exam (the date will be decided by surveying students' preferences)

Freeware Software | 프리웨어 소프트웨어

Mathematical Terms and Notations | 수학 용어

(d) Math Vocabulary: Learn Mathematics Vocabulary Words in English with Pictures

(e) MATH Symbols: Useful List of Mathematical Symbols in English with Pictures

Please get in touch with me at ziatdinov@kmu.ac.kr if you have any questions or difficulties. I will help everyone as much as I can.